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All courses include the progress checks to make sure you are ready for the final exam and, if successful, sign off for the UK CAA e-exam.
If you do not pass our final progress check and we are unable to sign you off for the final exam, you will receive free additional instruction to get you to the required standard.
You will also be able to sit the final exam for each subject in our Bristol facility. Alternatively, you can sit the exam at any other flight school but they will likely charge an admin fee.
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UK PPL Groundschool
Full 100 Hrs Package
By regulation, the UK Private Pilot's Licence requires 100 Hours of Theoretical Knowledge
This course includes the full 100 hrs of classroom / online instruction. No self study required.
UK PPL Groundschool
70/30 Package
This course fulfils the 100 hrs Theoretical Knowledge training requirements by assigning 70 hours of self study material prior to the final 30 hours of online / classroom instruction.

Single Subject
One subject at a time. You will receive 12 hours of instruction on the individual subject and be signed off for one exam at a time.
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